Esports Academy

Transforming Perceptions and Developing Essential Skills for Careers in Esports

Learn how The Esports Academy is creating a new generation of professionals and leaders.

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We work with different people involved in the esports industry to set standards for its growth.

Our mission is to provide programs that combine technical training with personal and career development, and create different pathways for esports athletes, coaches, managers, and professionals.

We aim to change how society views esports through community engagement, while our vision is to develop resilient young people who can be future champions, leaders, and role models.

Targeted Outcomes


Create a sense of community, strengthen identity, and building stronger bonds among youths while encouraging greater participation in sports and esports.


Cultivate and instill values and principles important to youth development such as integrity, sportsmanship, resilience, teamwork and responsible gaming.


Impart career skills through esports, provide exposure to career opportunities within esports and industries where these skills are transferable, and inspire youths to turn their passions into rewarding careers.

Programmes and Workshops

Career Workshops

SCOGA directly organizes and collaborates with partners to bring about career-focused workshops.

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Self Enrichment & Social Engagement

SCOGA also uses esports to enrich lives in the field of self-enrichment and social engagement. We combine counselling services with training and digital mediums such as video games.

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Awareness & Exposure Workshops

SCOGA’s workshops aim to raise awareness and offer hands-on exposure to healthy gaming for schools, adults and senior citizens.

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Coaching & Training

SCOGA offers workshops for highperformance training with in-depth guidance and specialised syllabus.

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Programme Brochure

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